Sunday, September 15, 2024

PH093 - EDGE 1,65m 65" 20-26cc ARF CARBON

PH093 - EDGE 1,65m 65


 The Edge 540 is the most common aircraft used in the Red Bull Air race World Series , in fact all champions of the World Series have flown this aircraft.
 Phoenix’s Edge 540 is naturally slower but is engineered to perform equally thrilling maneuvers! scale-like model able to perform flat spin, knife edge and many other difficult aerobatics. The Edge 540 is expertly handcrafted from balsa and plywood using only epoxy and CA glues. You can fly this plane after few hours of installation. All the hardware are included (servo wire, fuel tank, wheel/landing gear, etc). You only need to separately purchase the nitro engine and radio system.

Technical data

- Wingspan: 1651mm (65 in) 
- Length: 1573mm (62 in)
- Flying weight: 4400-4600 gr
- Wing area: 54.4 dm2
- Wing loading: 85g/dm2
- Wing type: Naca airfoils
- Gear type: Aluminum Hi-grade for main gear and spring wire for tail gear (included)
- Spinner size: Plastic 70mm (included)
- Radio: 4 channel minimum (not included) 
- Servo: 6 standard hitorque servo: 2 aileron; 2 elevator; 1 rudder; 1 throttle (not included) 
- Propeller: suit with your engine 
- Engine: 20-26cc gas engine (not included)
- Motor: brushless outrunner 2000-2400 W, 450 KV (not included)
- Experience level: Intermediate
- Plane type: Scale Aerobatic 
- Motor: RIMFIRE 1.20 (not included)
- Lipo cell: 6 cells (not included)
- Esc: 80A (not included)


- Capable of both precise and extreme 3D aerobatics
- Designed for compatibility with both GP and EP flight
- Bolt-on two-piece wing for easy transport and setup at the field
- Removable canopy for easy change lipo battery and set up radio
- Extremely lightweight laser-cut all-wood construction
- Durable factory-painted fiberglass cowl 
- All hardware included

Colour chart

-  White             (# 21010)
-  Grey               (# 21011)
-  Dark Blue     (# 21052)
-  Sky Blue        (# 21053)
-  Orange          (# 21060)


   -1195mm X 425mm X 229mm (L x W x H)

PH093 - EDGE 1,65m 65
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