RED SLICK 580 2,55m 100" 120cc ARF CARBON
Technical data
- Wingspan: 2553mm (100 in)
- Length: 2544mm (100 in)
- Flying weight: 11700-11950 gr
- Wing area: 110 dm2
- Gear type: Carbon fiber for main gear (included)
- Spinner size: 115mm (included)
- Radio: 6 channel minimum (not included)
- Servo: 9 standard hitorque servo (up 25kg): 4 aileron; 2 elevator; 2 rudder; 1 throttle (not included)
- Propeller: suit with your engine
- Engine: 120CC Gas engine (not included)
- Ailerons:
Low rate: 18-20 degrees, 30-40% exponential
High rate: 40-45 degrees, 50-60% exponential
- Elevators:
Low rate: 10-12 degrees, 18-20% exponential
High rate: 45-60 degrees, 50-60% exponential
- Rudder:
Low rate: 20 degrees, 50-60% exponential
High rate: 45-55 degrees, 60-80% exponential
- Experience level: Intermediate
- Plane type: Aerobatic
- Capable of both precise and extreme 3D aerobatics
- Designed for compatibility with both GP flight
- Bolt-on two-piece wing for easy transport and setup at the field
- Removable canopy for easy change lipo battery and set up radio
- Composite material for super strong and light weight
- Durable factory-painted fiberglass cowl
- All hardware included
Colour chart
Not update...
- 2059mm X 715mm X 388mm (L x W x H)