Sunday, October 6, 2024

PH140 - F4U CORSAIR 1,8m 70,9" W/Electric Retract 26-35cc ARF

PH140 - F4U CORSAIR  1,8m 70,9


   The F4U Corsair was a force to be reckoned with to the Japanese during WWII. With its gull wing design, impressive looks and power, the Corsair was one of the most recognizable WWII aircraft. Phoenix Model has recreated this outstanding Airplane to suit size 1.20-1.40 plug engines or 20-22cc gas engine. It was designed with the latest laser cut technology .Craftsmanship really shows up on the Corsair’s gull-shaped wing,This superb looking F4U from our top quality and has enough scale detail and features to keep any warbird enthusiast happy

Technical data

- Wingspan: 1800mm (70.9 in)
- Length: 1467mm (57.7 in)
- Flying weight: 6000-6200 g
- Wing area: 56.3 dm2
- Wing loading: 105g/dm2
- Wing type: Naca airfoils
- Retract gear type: Rotary Electric Retract 90 degree With CNC Suspension Metal Struts (included)
- Spinner size: 44mm (not included)
- Radio: 7 channel radio system minimum. 7 standard hi-torque servo: 2 aileron; 2 flap; 1 elevator; 1 rudder; 1 throttle (not included)
- Engine: .120 two stroke or .140 four stroke (plug engine) OR 20-22 cc (gas engine) (not included)
- Motor: brushless outrunner 1600-2200 W, 450 KV (not included)
- Propeller: suit with your engine
- Experience level: Intermediate
- Plane type: scale military
- Motor: RIMFIRE 1.20 (not included)
- Lipo cell: 5-6 cells / 5500 – 6000mAh (not included)
- Esc: 80-100A (not included)


- Official licensed product
- Designed for compatibility with both GP and EP flight
- Top quality balsa/light plywood construction
- Electric Retract With CNC Suspension Metal Struts included
- Full-depth cockpit and instrument panel and pilot included
- Bolt-on two-piece wing for easy transport and setup at the field
- Removable canopy for easy change lipo battery and set up radio
- Strong Light Weight Construction
- Superb flying characteristics, plus an accurate scale outline
- High-quality hardware package included

Colour chart

-  Corsair Blue   ( #21019)


   - 1294mm X 515mm X 288mm (L x W x H)

PH140 - F4U CORSAIR  1,8m 70,9
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